Trees in Mote Park

Over 100 different species and varieties of tree can be found in Mote Park. Both native and non-native have been planted and self-seeded around the ancient parkland.
Historically an old country estate, trees were used as a statement of how wealthy the owners were. Countries such as California, Chile, Siberia, and China, are all represented by the trees in Mote Park.
Perhaps the most spectacular to the eye are the 150 year old Giant Redwoods, planted along the Laurel Walk entrance drive to the Willington Street Hub. Give them a hug and feel how soft their bark is – a natural defence against forest fires back in their native California.

Mote Park has both ancient and veteran trees. Some of the oldest are thought to be the large Sweet Chestnuts and Beech trees that line the old carriage routes within the park. The old parkland Oak trees are not to be ignored either, ranging from 250 to 400 years of age. However, within the Yew woodland behind Mote House, the oldest tree in the park can be seen. Some of these old Yews are estimated to be in their 700s!!!
There are also important specimen trees, including one of the oldest Siberian Elms and Tulip Trees in Britain.
Mote Park was also home to one of the largest and oldest Black Walnut trees in the world until it fell in late 2014. Other fine specimens of black walnut still exist in the park.
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